Welcome to a Brand New Year! Here’s What’s Happening

2023 was quite a year! It was a year of healing, resilience, transformation and perseverance both personally and professionally. (I'm beginning to think my permanent word is Resilience. )

It was a year of making new friends and spending great times visiting with long-time friends and family. It was the year of challenging myself to do things I've never done, (running the Army 10-Miler race in Washington, D.C.) which has now set the foundation for pushing myself further in 2024. (Perhaps a full on marathon?)

Growth happens in the hard stuff. If you stay in your comfort zone, you'll never know what you can accomplish and you don't want to wake up one day at 95 and wonder, "What if?" Here's to an amazing 2024 and a few pics from this past week and something to keep you moving forward in 2024.

“Growth happens in the hard stuff.”

If you stay in your comfort zone, you'll never know what you can accomplish and you don't want to wake up one day at 95 and wonder, "What if?" That’s what I love about your small business…because you have a passion and mission you bring to the world and you absolutely get out of your comfort zone.

COVID may have changed the way many of work, and one of the biggest questions I get asked about emergency planning for small businesses is whether it applies to hybrid and remote teams.

Yes, absolutely and here’s why…

A while back I was talking with a client who is local to me, has a team in the Philippines and a team across a couple of time zones in the United States. Each of those team members have different risks in their respective locations. For example, the Philippines will deal with typhoons and earthquakes. There was just a 5.2 earthquake there on December 27, 2023.

Here in Colorado, our major risks are wildfires, hail storms and the occasional tornado. In other parts of the United States, her teams’ risk are hurricanes and tornados.

Fire is a risk for everyone.

Wildfires aside, fire in your residence is always a risk for you. This is why emergency planning for your small business when you have a hybrid or remote team is just as essential as it is for brick and mortar businesses.

Here’s What To Do When…

Because small businesses are brick and mortar, remote and hybrid, we’re going to be addressing all three of these scenarios each month in our brand new “Here’s What to Do When….” Each month, we’ll be looking at the different risks to small businesses in our weekly article series.

In the meantime, do you know how much revenue your coffee shop would stand to lose in the event of an unexpected emergency? If not, reach out so we can do a complimentary assessment. You’ll know where you would stand during an emergency and we’ll provide our perspective next steps to improve emergency planning in your business regardless of whether we decide to work together.


Until next time…
Never settle.

P.S. Before you go: If you’re an independent coffee shop leader ready to have confidence and financial peace of mind when unexpected disruptions knock on your door, you’re in the right place. Subscribe to our newsletter, French Roast and get a free copy of PLAN. PIVOT. THRIVE. the operational resilience checklist for independent coffee shops.


How Does Emergency Readiness Help With Employee Retention in Your Coffee Shop?


Does Your Coffee Shop Have a Roadmap to Navigate Your Next Disruption?