Meet Robin Portanova

Robin Portanova

In Robin’s free time, she enjoys baking, writing, and listening to music. Her family, friends and traditions are of her upmost importance. Robin Portanova, formerly from Northport, NY, currently resides in Fairfield County, Connecticut. Robin can be contacted at

To learn more about Stamford Education 4 Autism, visit

To learn more about Just A Peace Giftshop, visit

ROBIN is a special education advocate and founder of the non-for-profit organization Stamford Education 4 Autism, where she currently holds the position of president. She also operates the Just A Peace Giftshop (owned by Stamford Education 4 Autism), giving young adults on the autism spectrum the opportunity to practice their life and social skills in a retail environment.

Robin obtained a B.S. in Human Services and Social Work, and an M.A. in Special Education. Her advocacy became serious when her first son was born with hydrocephalus and was later diagnosed with autism at the age of seven. She was prominent in developing specialized programs throughout her local public schools, which allowed her son and students like him to achieve educational success.

Robin believes in the importance of staying organized in every aspect of her life, especially financially. As a woman, she knew that financial security would bring her clarity, although she admits, not always an easy task to achieve. Mistakes, she has made many, but after years of building her foundation and especially seeking the advice of woman in the financial world, who understood her frustration first hand, she was able to get to a point that allows her life to be simple, but filled with magnificence.