Meet Monica Tucker

Monica has been married for 32 years to a now retired U.S. Army soldier who served over 24 years. They have two children, a 31-year-old son, and 21-year-old daughter who are both college students, creatives and advocates for youth. She enjoys spending time with her grandson, making crafts, painting, sewing, reading, and creating. Monica believes that volunteering is a source of relaxation and peace and encourages others to take the time to assist others or their communities, at least once a month.

Monica can be reached at

MONICA is President and CEO of MOCHA Enterprises, a small business publishing and consulting firm, and has dedicated over 26 years as a small business and life consultant, and goals and life purpose coach.

She served 12 years as a board member, three years as chair, of the Armed Services YMCA – El Paso/Fort Bliss, an organization dedicated to making military life easier for junior enlisted Service members and their families.

As a lifelong volunteer, she actively mentors men and women, military spouses, youth, and entrepreneurs who aspire to serve in the community. Her advocacy and activism include assisting with efforts to eliminate racism, bullying, and discrimination against those who are socio-economically disadvantaged.

Monica is the publisher of a series of niche publications, writes blogs, and produces podcasts as well as serves as a subject matter expert about living a life of purpose and combatting negativity. She implements her personal experiences as a tool to help others identify and overcome fears and remove limiting beliefs as they pursue their goals.

In addition to her community activism, she is dedicated to sharing the stories of men and women from various demographics age 40 and older via her podcast, Midlife Mocha.