The Coffee Contingency Intensive
for Specialty Coffee Shop Leaders

Don’t Let Unforeseen Events Keep You Up at Night

Imagine this: a fire in the neighborhood causes a temporary closure of your shop, or a supplier goes out of business, disrupting your inventory. In these situations, the financial implications can be crippling. Sales decline, operational costs rise, and the uncertainty can affect your employees' morale and retention.

However, these scenarios don't have to spell disaster. By investing in a robust contingency plan tailored to your coffee shop, you can mitigate the financial risks associated with disruptions.

Your expertise is your coffee shop. Our expertise helps you identify potential vulnerabilities and create actionable strategies that ensure business continuity.

With the right preparation, you can protect your profits, maintain your staff, and keep serving your community, even under duress.

Financial peace of mind is possible. Our resilience plans offer a path to not only survive disruptions but thrive in spite of them.

Who is the Intensive for?

  • Intensives are designed for specialty coffee shop leaders with teams of 2 - 100.

  • Coffee shop leaders who run their company’s day-to-day management as founder, CEO or president.

  • Coffee shop leaders who have an ownership interest in the business.

Don't let unforeseen events keep you up at night—secure your financial foundation
with us and confidently navigate whatever challenges lie ahead.

Enroll in the Next Coffee Contingency Intensive

Enroll in an Intensive to:

  • Have a financially resilient coffee shop.

  • Be prepared for and recovery quickly from environmental, supply chain or personal life disruptions.

  • Demonstrate a strong presence to customers, team and suppliers in the face of disruption.

  • Have confidence and financial peace of mind knowing you can easily pivot during disruptions.

We’ll create a plan that is adaptable to the most likely risks and needs of your shop.

Here’s What’s Involved

  • You’ll be joined by 2 other specialty coffee shop leaders. A great collaboration opportunity!

  • We guide you step by step in creating a contingency and emergency-readiness plan that is adaptable to your needs.

  • Maximum 3 members to an intensive.

  • Meet virtually for one 8-hour single day experience, two 1-hour sessions for the two weeks following and a plan review.

  • Includes maintenance and updates every 3 months.

  • Includes one-year of our contingency planning service and exercising the plan with training you and your team.

The Coffee Contingency Intensive for Specialty Coffee Leaders

Unexpected disruptions to your coffee shop are not a matter
of if they’re going to happen. It’s a matter a when.

Make the smart investment in your coffee shop’s future today, and
equip yourself with the tools to weather any storm that comes your way.

Your Investment to Become Resilient - Ready: $4,497
Reserve Your Seat for the Next Cohort - October 02, 2024