Do You Know Your Coffee Shop’s Resilience Score?

Resilience Sounds Abstract, yet in Reality, we Can Measure it

Resilience is one of those values that can mean a lot of different things to different people.

And as you’ve heard me say, the financial resilience of your company and your peace of mind depends on if you have a plan to pivot your business when things unexpectedly go sideways…which they inevitably will.

Most people don’t think it will happen….until it happens to them.

Our brain wants to keep us safe, so most of us don’t like thinking about the “what ifs” in life or in business. I get that. And, when we think of resilience, we tend to think of it in abstract terms.

What if I could show you that there is a way to quantify your coffee shop’s financial resilience? There is!

It’s not how much your company has in savings, investments or cash on hand. Those are important, but that’s not necessarily a measure of your resilience.


Financial resilience refers to the ability of your coffee shop to withstand and recover from financial shocks, disruptions, or unexpected events.

It involves having the capacity to manage and adapt to changes in financial circumstances without experiencing significant negative impacts on your standard of living or overall financial well-being.


AND… what if I could show you the financial impacts to your coffee shop for a specific scenario such as a fire?

I chose fire because fire is a risk for everyone whether it’s an environmental wildfire or a human-caused fire in a building.

Resilience Factor Experience Session

In this complimentary 60-minute virtual strategy session, we’ll explore the thresholds for certain impacts to your coffee shopthat directly have an effect on your financial and reputational bottom line.

You’ll know your resilience score with a detailed report where any gaps are and where you would stand during a disruption.

This not a sales call.

We’ll provide our perspective next steps to improve resilience in your business regardless of whether we decide to work together.

Schedule your free resilience factor session today.

P.S. Before you go: If you’re an independent coffee shop leader ready to have confidence and financial peace of mind when unexpected disruptions knock on your door, you’re in the right place. Subscribe to our newsletter, French Roast and get a free copy of PLAN. PIVOT. THRIVE. the operational resilience checklist for independent coffee shops.


Meet Siouxsie (Susie) Przytulski of Mindful Motivation and Wellness


Three Possibilities When Things Start to Go Sideways